10 low-stress jobs in digital art

Work-related stress is gradually increasing, year by year. Employers believe that a certain amount of stress in the workplace is essential to offer positive challenges for the employees to ensure productivity. However, only a few employees can withstand the pressure, and for others, it becomes overwhelming, leading to frustration, stress, and depression. There are many parameters that influence workplace stress; the nature of work is one of the prime factors. 

It is essential to choose a career that develops excitement and interest than mental pressure. That is why students are asked to pursue their passions as careers as they get the satisfaction and feel accomplished while doing the job. That, in turn, decreases the probability of mental stress to a great level. Therefore, it can be said that for students interested in art and illustration, choosing a creative job like digital art can be very helpful.

The popularity of digital art is massively increasing day by day, as the technology required for it is becoming readily available to people. Digital art is the art created with technology, which may include handmade art scanned into the computer, finished with software, or a digital illustration, animation, and 3D sculpture renderings. 

If you fancy yourself as a good digital artist, you can pursue it as a career as it only requires innate artistic abilities. Let’s have a look at the top 10 low-stress jobs in digital art. 

10. Infographics designer: 

Infographics, as the name suggests, is an amalgamation of terms, Information, and Graphics. Infographics is a kind of digital art that is created to provide information in a clear, concise, and easy to comprehending manner. An infographic illustrator’s job is to produce accurate and meaningful images based on the given information. While it is clichéd that a picture is worth a thousand words, it is actually a fact. That is why the popularity of infographics is extraordinarily increasing than the text.

Education Requirement:

Quite surprisingly, this is a skilled based field that does not necessarily need a high degree. A few courses or a college degree can get you an infographic designer job; however, you must have the required skills that develop and furnish with the practice that comes with time and experience. The skills required for an infographic designer are:

  • Match data with the correct visualization:

It is highly required of infographics designers to create images that accurately depict the information they are providing. In simple words, the visual illustration and the data it is presenting must be the same, except for the form of expression.

  • Avoid the depiction of incomplete information:

The worth of the information loses its essence if you provide incomplete information. It can distort the meaning or confuse the interpreter. Therefore, the infographic designers must be prudent in this regard.

  • Spotlight key information: 

The infographics designers must know how to highlight the key information in a particular graphical illustration. The highlighted areas immediately grab people’s attention, making it easy for them to skim the keynotes.

  • Must know when to visualize:

The graphic designers must know when and when not to visualize the data. It can be ambiguous to imagine every text element. Therefore, you must create a balance of text and illustration for better understanding.

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User experience designer:

A user experience designer is a digital artist who is responsible for creating user experience designs. So, what are the user experience designs? A user experience design is one that focuses on the interaction of humans and the products and services they come across on a daily basis. The User experience designers helm to design products in a way that offers a relevant and meaningful experience to humans. User experience design incorporates multiple aspects like human psychology, market research, marketing tactics, business, and brand image.

Education Requirement: 

You can become a user experience designer by completing a bachelor’s degree. However, some may require you to get a master’s degree. UX designing is not just about illustration but more about understanding the fluctuating marketing analytics; therefore, it needs a strong educational background.

8. User interface designer:

While user experience design is based on the interaction of the human and products, the user interface design is about human and computer interaction. User interface designing is the process of building interactive interfaces in software or computers. They tend to create interactive and personalized interfaces that are pleasurable to look at and easy to use. They make sure that the interface has easy to access and understandable elements. Designing user interfaces include:

  • Graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
  • Voice-controlled user interfaces (VUIs)
  • Gesture-based user interfaces.

Education Requirement:

The education requirement for User interface designing is a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field.

7. Storyboard artist:

A storyboard artist is almost like a film director or drama director, or screenplay writer. S/he is responsible for creating a storyboard for animations. They draw visuals of scenes with the characters and their movements and expressions. In one way, they dry run an animated scene on paper. A storyboard is made of panels, so the storyboard artists draw panels including characters’ movements. The storyboard artists are the mastermind behind graphic art as they plan and decide the plot of the animation.

Education Requirements:

 You may require at least a bachelor’s degree to become a storyboard artist. Like other graphic art jobs, there is a wide range of degrees like fine arts, animation, and game design and development, which are acceptable.

6. Motion graphics animator:

Motion graphics is a kind of animation that focuses on giving a moving attribute to a graphic element. While it is similar to other animations like cartoons, it does not have a basic storyline. But sometimes, the motion graphics may depict a concrete idea. The motion graphics add movement to graphic designs which may otherwise remain static, such as a spinning logo.  

These are unique and attractive designs that deliver information more effectively. 

A motion design animator thus is responsible for creating motion designs.

Education Requirements:

To become a motion design animator, you can either have a bachelor’s or associate degree. However, you may also need to have a great portfolio of work to achieve this job.

5. 3D animator:

As the name implies, 3D animation deals with giving a three-dimensional art realization and adding motion. 3D animators are responsible for creating bulk animations that end up as motion pictures, video games, or animations for TVs and films. It is the art of manipulating the images with a computer and making imaginary elements to make them look real. A 3D animator designs characters and adds colour, depth, and texture to give them an authentic appeal. These animators may have to create 3D animations for a film, advertisement, or website.

Education Requirements:

To be a 3D animator, you need a bachelor’s degree in animation, computer arts, or a relevant degree. It requires a good profile of experience but, for entry-level, you can begin with internships or apprenticeships.

4. Character designer:

Character designers, as the name suggests, is the job of designing different animated characters. The character designers conceptualize characters for films, tv shows, and advertisements. They work as per the guidelines of the director, or storyboard artist, who have a clear image of a character in their mind. A good character designer incorporates the character’s physical attributes, personality, and plot of the story to design a particular character. Think of some of the most lovable animated characters like Mickey Mouse, Daffy Duck, or Elsa: they are the creation of character designers.

Education Requirements:

You may at least need a bachelor’s degree in art, animation, graphic design, or a relevant field to become a character designer.  

3. Concept and production artist:

Concept artists and production artists are two separate professions, but sometimes these terms are used interchangeably. Concept artists are the creative professionals who are responsible for drawing a variety of rough design ideas. On the other hand, the production artists are responsible for executing a design concept. And the concept and production artists work together to produce creative designs. In some places, a production artist does the job of concept and production artist.

Education Requirements:

You may need a Bachelor’s degree in fine arts, computer arts, or a relevant field to become a concept artist. And to become a production artist, you may need a bachelor’s degree in computer arts, graphic design, or a relevant degree. At the same time, some may require a master’s degree for both professions.

2. Art director:

An art director or creative director is responsible for managing a team of designers who are working on a creative project. Art directors are required in the graphic design, advertising, marketing, publishing, and film and drama industries. The art director is a leading role that requires lots of expertise and experience. They are the creative team leaders and oversee the progress and accomplishment of creative projects.

Education Requirements:

The art directors may need at least a bachelor’s degree in art or design-related fields. It also requires much experience to achieve this rank.

1.   Design director:

Design directors oversee the designs and advertising projects for clients. Some of the responsibilities of design directors include: developing design ideas, choosing design elements, supervising a design project, and building design teams. The design directors have a leading role; they do not do the designing themselves but manage the design team to do so.

Education Requirement: 

To become a design director, you may require a bachelor’s degree in advertising, communication, or a relevant field. You can additionally get graphic designing, management, and finance courses. However, you may need some experience to get the role.

Bottom Line: 

Graphic arts is one of the most creative and demanded fields nowadays. If you have innate artistic abilities, you can opt for some of the rewarding and low-stress jobs such as Infographics designer, motion design animator, art director, and many more.